Victoria Kate Lynn ז"ל

4th January 1983 - 17th November 2003

20 Tevet 5743 - 23 Cheshvan 5764

Victoria was born on 4th January 1983 in Manchester. She was born with a variety of serious medical conditions which necessitated her having several bouts of surgery as a small baby. During her early years, Torti, as she was known by her family, was quiet and shy, and frightened of strangers. Because of medical requirements, the only strangers she encountered were doctors and nurses with needles, carrying out unpleasant procedures which she was obliged to endure.

However, as she grew into a young lady she emerged from her shell and became a bubbly, chatty and very friendly person. When she was 14 she was diagnosed as having pulmonary hypertension, which is a heart and lung condition, but did not suffer any symptoms until she was 17. She missed a few months of school while she began treatment in hospital in Sheffield, which is the Northern centre for pulmonary hypertension. (see

Amazingly, through sheer determination, Torti managed to get into Leeds Metropolitan University to study Health Studies. She lived in Hillel House in Leeds for the first year away, where she made more friends than she had ever had in her whole life. Her life became one huge social whirl, and she loved every minute of it. She would go clubbing, she was always texting and telephoning her many friends, and she lived life to the full.

During this time she had to go for regular check-ups to Sheffield, and was always accompanied by a friend (she did not want her parents to go, as she wanted to be independent, and also did not want to worry them). Victoria decided to write her autobiography when she was 19 and wanted to have it published to raise money for the Pulmonary Hypertension Association in the UK.

Torti never wanted anyone (other than her closest friends) to know of her health problems and her greatest wish was to be “normal” just like her peers. She had a great sense of humour and was a true shopaholic and chocaholic!

Torti was apparently doing very well on the treatment and it was an indescribable shock for everyone when she took ill and lost her fight to live on 17th November 2003. Her popularity was evidenced by the many, many people (the majority of whom were young people) who attended her funeral, at which the final paragraph of her autobiography was read out. Her parents have been overwhelmed by the tributes, which have poured in telling them what a special and inspirational person Torti was and how their lives were changed by this wonderful, caring young lady.

Victoria devoted her adult life to helping others and making the world a better place to live in. To perpetuate her selflessness please press the Mitzvah (Good Deed) button and undertake to do a good deed in her memory.

Thank you